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Historias reales - Relaciones en línea

Historias reales - Relaciones en línea

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Estafa de citas y romance: Facebook

My brother was contacted by a person on Facebook who claimed to be in the US military in Afghanistan. After convincing him to send iTunes cards, the person told him he would come to see him and marry him. Soon after, he was delayed for another 'special mission'. Excuse after excuse why he could not return home, eventually, he was in a country by the name of Togo in Africa and out of the military but could not come home.

He had gold he wanted to send back (for some reason), which was given to him by saving a Middle Eastern man's life. The gold was seized and he was placed in jail and pleaded for $8,000 US dollars to get out. Then he said the church would put up half the money if he could send $4,500. My brother is still struggling with the fact this is a scam and wants to send him more money, but we keep telling him this is a scam.

Señales de que esto era una estafa

El estafador:
  • profesó que se casaría con la víctima.
  • afirmó que estaba en el extranjero por trabajo.
  • siempre tenía razones para necesitar un préstamo urgente.
  • hizo que la víctima le comprara tarjetas de iTunes.
  • siempre tenía excusas por las que no podía visitar a la víctima.
Evite este tipo de estafa:
  • Realiza una búsqueda inversa en Google de la foto del perfil de tu posible pareja para comprobar si es fraudulenta.
  • Refuse to buy gift cards or make up-front payments. It’s best to avoid any arrangement with a stranger that asks for up-front payment via money order, wire transfer, international funds transfer, pre-loaded card, or Bitcoin, as it is rare to recover money sent this way.
  • Ten cuidado con la información personal que compartes en las redes sociales. Los estafadores pueden utilizar tu información y tus fotos para crear una identidad falsa o para dirigirte una estafa.
  • Ten cuidado al compartir fotos o vídeos personales con compañeros que no conoces. Los estafadores son conocidos por chantajear a sus objetivos utilizando material comprometedor.

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