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Juegos en línea

Juegos en línea

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  • Evite el malware: juegue a los juegos en línea sólo cuando tenga un software de seguridad eficaz y el cortafuegos de su ordenador esté activado.
  • Verify License - Play only with authorized and licensed versions of games that you have purchased from reputable sellers.  
  • Software legítimo: asegúrate de mantener actualizado el software del juego. Aunque la mayoría de los juegos se actualizan automáticamente antes de permitirte conectarte, ten cuidado con la descarga de cualquier programa no autorizado relacionado con el juego.
  • Descarga de juegos - Asegúrate de que los juegos descargados son auténticos comprando en fuentes de confianza.
  • Protect your credentials - Use strong passwords and choose a user name that does not reveal any personal information about you. Rotate passwords and avoid having the same password for different gaming accounts.  Also, don’t use your game password on other non-gaming sites.  Make sure sites asking for your game password are legitimate either through a verification check mark on YouTube or have an official affiliation with the game website and developer.
  • Use two-factor authentication - You’re able to add this to most video games and consoles now and it gives you an added layer of security. Two-factor authentication requires you to provide a second piece of proof in order to verify your identity, usually, a code sent to your mobile device or email. 
  • Don't share your profile or account information - If your game includes the ability to create a personal profile, avoid sharing details such as your real name, address or your account password as scammers will try to become friends with you in order to steal information.  Also, don’t reveal any personal information to other players.  Even if you know them or think you know them. If a friend's account is compromised, the account may be controlled by a fraudster with you or your friend knowing that the account is compromised.
  • Don’t talk to strangers - Only follow friends or people you know and don’t accept the random stranger friend request.  If anyone asks for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as your name, birth date, Social Security number, or even about hobbies and interests through a game or text, don’t respond. If they ask for money, don’t give it to them no matter the reason.
  • Proteja la propiedad virtual - Tenga cuidado cuando compre o venda una "propiedad" que existe dentro de un juego de ordenador.
  • Gaming device disposal - When disposing of your gaming device either by selling, scrapping, giving away, or donating, ensure that all your personal information has been deleted. Delete your account details, and backup or transfer your games to your new device. 
  • Compruebe los extractos con regularidad: compruebe los extractos de las tarjetas de crédito y del banco para buscar cualquier actividad de juego que no le corresponda. Si observa algo sospechoso, comuníquelo inmediatamente al emisor de su tarjeta de crédito o a su banco. Aunque no vea ningún fraude en su extracto hoy, es importante y una buena práctica comprobarlo a menudo.
  • Use safe web browsing practices - Be conscious of websites that don’t look like the legitimate gaming company you’re dealing with. Researching the company, website, or market place you are considering buying from can help ensure that your card information is in good hands.
  • Clicking links - Be cautious when clicking links in messages. Keep an eye on the URLs you’re being redirected to and make sure it’s exactly the same as the site you’re used to, especially if being asked for credentials. The safest practice to avoid phishing is to type the website URL in without following a link in communication like an in-game message or email.
  • Report fraud - Report any fraudulent activity to the game’s operator. 
  • Don’t share your account - Password sharing or account sharing will increase the odds of having your account hacked, having your information stolen, or losing money. 
  • Utilice una tarjeta de crédito exclusiva: utilice una tarjeta de crédito virtual o una que no sea su tarjeta de débito habitual vinculada a su cuenta bancaria. Esto le ayudará a minimizar el riesgo si el número de su tarjeta de crédito o débito forma parte de una filtración de datos.

Estafas de Fortnite:

YouTube Free V-Bucks - En Fortnite hay V-bucks, el dinero virtual que los jugadores pueden utilizar para comprar nuevo equipo. Hay muchos sitios web fraudulentos que te piden que compartas un código oscuro de tu cuenta del juego; en algunos casos, eso permite a los estafadores acceder a tu información de pago, ya sea en tu smartphone o consola de juegos. Los sitios de terceros también tienen muchos anuncios (que pueden llevarte a descargar malware en tu ordenador) o siguen con un correo electrónico, que en realidad es un intento de suplantación de identidad o para que descargues su aplicación que puede tener software espía.

One way to spot a scam video is to look at the number of likes and dislikes a video has received, and whether or not the YouTube account is verified by YouTube with a check symbol next to the name.

Android Fortnite App Scam - Another scam that has been affecting Fortnite players is fake apps in the Google Play store. If you download the fake version of the game, you risk downloading spyware and adware that ends up being a real-life cyberattack. Many of these fake apps ask users to rate and review them with pre-written comments that make it look like the app is legitimate. 

Debes asegurarte de comprobar la configuración de privacidad de iOS y Android para ver si permites la descarga de aplicaciones de terceros desde sitios no fiables. Si lo haces, es posible que quieras cambiar esa configuración o eliminar esas aplicaciones. Sólo deberías obtener aplicaciones de las tiendas oficiales de Apple y Android.

How Criminals Make Money with Online Gaming:

Account takeover - In account takeover situations, fraudsters get hold of a player’s user ID and password for a game. Typically, they obtain login credentials either from a malware program or through a phishing scam. Once the account is accessed, fraudsters have the reign of everything, from the attached credit card number to virtual goods.

Phishing - Another fraud tactic that translates well to the gaming world is phishing. Fraudsters will often use emails that look as if they are legitimate communication from a gaming creator, publisher, or distributor.  However, the email will contain a link that will ask for and capture a player’s username and password.

Processing stolen cards - Fraudsters will use a stolen credit card by buying goods in the game’s virtual economy. Avoid any offers of discounts on virtual goods.  In most cases, virtual goods are stolen.  Fraudsters will not only make money on the stolen virtual goods but can also get your card number to sell or use for fraudulent purchases.

Compras dentro de la aplicación: aunque muchos juegos en tu móvil se descargan gratuitamente, hay transacciones dentro de la aplicación para obtener giros adicionales o para librarse de las restricciones de tiempo. Una vez que tu tarjeta de crédito está dentro, podría estar comprometida.

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