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Prevenir el robo de identidad en las redes sociales

Prevenir el robo de identidad en las redes sociales

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Hay varias cosas que puede y debe hacer para gestionar su identidad en las redes sociales, lo que puede evitar el robo de identidad en las redes sociales.

¿Qué es exactamente el robo de identidad en las redes sociales? Es una forma de ciberocupación que utiliza las redes sociales.

  • If you’ve ever attempted to join a social media, more commonly known as a social networking site, or applied for an email account, and found that your first and last name were already taken, that may or may not have been social media identity theft or cybersquatting.
  • Es posible que haya alguien que comparta su nombre exacto y que se haya registrado primero, o bien que haya alguien que haya tomado su nombre para que usted no pueda tenerlo, o que quiera vendérselo, o que quiera hacerse pasar por usted y perturbar su vida. Todas estas son posibilidades.
  • La posibilidad más perjudicial se da cuando alguien quiere hacerse pasar por usted para perturbar su vida. Esta perturbación puede adoptar muchas formas. Pueden hacerse pasar por usted para acosarle y acosar, o para acosar y acosar a personas que usted conoce. O pueden robar su identidad en las redes sociales para obtener beneficios económicos. Los ladrones utilizan una combinación de correo electrónico y redes sociales para extraer fondos de otros, o para abrir nuevas cuentas.
  • There are hundreds, or maybe even thousands, of social media sites, web-based email providers, and domain extensions. Then there are all the blog portals, such as WordPress and Blogspot. Even your local online newspaper has a place for user comments, and most people would want to register their own names before someone else comments on their behalf.
  • Social media websites offer the option to provide your real name as well as a user name. The user name may be a fun chat handle or an abbreviation of your real name. The key is to give your real name where requested and also to use your real name as your username. Even if you don’t plan on spending any time on the site, or using the domain or email, you want to establish control over it.
  • The goal is to obtain your real first and last name without periods, underscores, hyphens, abbreviations, or extra numbers or letters. This strategy won’t prevent someone else from registering with your name and adding a dot or a dash, but it trims down the options for a thief.
  • Some names are very common, or are also owned by someone famous. If that applies to your name, you can still take action to manage your online reputation. If there is any uniqueness to your name or the spelling of your name, it’s still a good idea to claim your name in social media and work toward managing your online reputation.
  • Entienda que su nombre es su marca. Su nombre está en primer plano en cada documento que firma y en cada sitio web que aparece cuando se busca su nombre. La frase "Todo lo que tengo es mi buen nombre" nunca ha sido más cierta que hoy. Si eres un escritor, un bloguero, una personalidad de cualquier tipo o cualquier persona que "lo pone ahí fuera", probablemente ya sabes lo suficiente para hacer estas cosas. Pero hay más cosas que hacer.

Gestione su identidad social

If someone, perhaps a potential employer or mate, or client, searches your name on Google Web, Google Blogs, or Google News, what will they find? Will it be someone else posing as you? Will it be a picture of you doing a keg stand? Or will it be you in your nicest outfit, accepting an award for an accomplishment? Either way, you need to manage your online identity and work toward preventing social media identity theft.

  • Register your full name and those of your spouse and kids on the most trafficked social media sites, blogs, domains, or web-based email accounts. If your name is already gone, include your middle initial, a period, or a hyphen. It’s up to you to decide whether or not to plug in your picture and basic bio, but consider leaving out your age or birthday.
  • Set up free Google Alerts for your name and get an email every time your name pops up online.
  • Start doing things online to boost your online reputation. Blogging is best. You want Google to bring your given name to the top of the search in its best light so that when anyone is searching for you they see good things. This is a combination of online reputation management and search engine optimization for your brand: YOU.
  • If you ever stumble upon someone using your likeness on social media, be very persistent in contacting the site’s administrators. They too have reputations to manage and if they see someone using your photo or likeness they would be smart to delete the stolen profile.

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