Recursos de exploración y software de ciberseguridad


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Discover if you are vulnerable to cyber-attacks.  Visit the links below to check your computer, your network, websites, IP addresses, and domains for known viruses, spyware, and more. 

Software gratuito

Análisis de virus y malware

  • Microsoft Safety Scanner - Microsoft Safety Scanner es una herramienta de escaneo diseñada para encontrar y eliminar el malware de los ordenadores Windows. Simplemente descárguelo y ejecute un escaneo para encontrar malware e intentar revertir los cambios realizados por las amenazas identificadas.
  • ESET Online Scanner - Escaneo único para eliminar el malware y las amenazas de su ordenador de forma gratuita.
  • Analizador de URLs Joe Sandbox: Examina la URL en tiempo real.
  • Pulsedive: Correlacione los Indicadores de Compromiso (IOC) observados mediante la detección de violaciones de datos, infecciones de malware u otra actividad de amenaza.
  • Qualys Browser Check: Qualys BrowserCheck realizará un análisis de seguridad de sus navegadores y plugins.
  • PolySwarm: Analiza URLs o archivos en busca de código malicioso y amenazas.
  • ThreatSTOP Check IoC: Busque direcciones IP y dominios en nuestra amplia base de datos de IoCs relacionados con el malware.
  • VirusTotal: Analiza archivos y URLs sospechosas para detectar tipos de malware.

Lista de claves de descifrado de ransomware

Para ayudarle a determinar el tipo de ransomware que afecta a su dispositivo, aquí hay dos sitios que analizarán su ransomware y le proporcionarán el enlace para descargar la solución de descifrado si está disponible.

Escaneos de red, URL, sitio web, IP y dominio

Evaluar el perfil de riesgo de su patrimonio público

A key capability of these tools is identifying exposed assets to enable owners and operators of Industrial Control Systems (ICS), IoT, and IIoT devices to reduce their attack surface by enumerating and detailing any number of Internet-connected targets. By pulling back banners of Internet-connected devices, end users can use any combination of search filters to narrow search results to specific queries for potentially vulnerable devices. 

Shodan ( )

Shodan is a web-based search platform for internet-connected devices.  A key capability of Shodan is its use as an attack surface reduction tool, with the ability to read any number of Internet-connected targets, including ICS and IIoT. By pulling back banners of Internet-connected devices, Shodan can find any combination of search filters to narrow search results to specifically target potentially vulnerable devices. 

Censys ( )

Censys is a web-based risk management tool that helps identify publicly accessible assets - even if they can't be scanned by a vulnerability management tool. A key capability of is its use as an attack surface reduction tool, with the ability to recognize any number of Internet-connected targets, including ICS and IIoT. With the ability to assess and index IP addresses, parse TLS certificates, and track domains, provides a 360-degree depiction of an organization's Internet attack surface. has also been positioned as a platform capable of providing visibility into an organization's Internet remote workforce.

Thingful ( )

Thingful is a search engine for the Internet of Things (IoT).  Thingful can also be used in the automatic discovery of IoT data pathways, and thereby support attack surface reduction activities; however, that capability is not its primary purpose. Thingful's main use cases are focused on the manipulation of IoT data in ways that unlock value and visibility within an identified dataset. Specifically, the ability to organize, access, respond and unlock IoT data streams into useful "data pipes" for consumption is key to Thingful's business model.

eFraud Prevention™, LLC